Gifts To Greatness

A desire for teachers and staff at Lansing Catholic High School to bring your students' experience at LCHS to the next level, inside and outside the classroom.
Traditionally, Lansing Catholic has coordinated the compilation of a Wish List from faculty and staff for items to enhance student learning, curriculum, and the classroom environment. As we carry on the spirit of the traditional Wish List format, we are working to advance the program and inspire you to give Gifts To Greatness.
You are invited to give a gift in partnership with the teachers at Lansing Catholic High School to help students achieve their greatest potential. With Gifts To Greatness, we hope you are motivated to improve the educational landscape through transformational gifts that have a direct impact on students every day in the classroom.
Make a Donation
Item Price (each) Department Name Summary Link
Custom Pop-up Tents - Qty: 2 $250 Athletics Mr. Ken Hintze

For use in a multitude of sports, these tents help to keep student-athletes out of the sun/rain and dry. Branded tents will help promote the school.  

Golf Cart $11,000 Athletics Mr. Ken Hintze

With LCHS bringing most sports on campus, we must run several events at one time. From spring nights of baseball, softball, girls soccer, and lacrosse all happening simultaneously, we need a way to drive between multiple events to ensure safe playing environments and keep games moving. The… read more

Weighted A Frame Signs - Qty: 4 $320 Athletics Mr. Ken Hintze

Our previous A-frame signs are made from plastic and blow over easily. We would like to purchase weighted A-frame signs.

Gym Scorers Table $12,000 Athletics Mr. Ken Hintze

With the upgrade to the gym, we would like to upgrade our score table. This table has seen better days!


2 mL Pipet Fillers - Qty: 6 $0 Science Mrs. Heather Hopek


Hands-on lab experiences are invaluable to student appreciation of science. One of the lessons is the value of precision and accuracy in both calculations and lab methodologies. The pipets would improve… read more

Laptop English Sr. Maria Suso Rispoli OP


One of the goals of the 10th grade English experience is for the students to learn systematic research skills and write a correctly cited, argumentative research paper. A new laptop would allow the teacher to move more freely around the room to work with students one-on-one, demonstrate research… read more

Kuta Software Site License for all 6 Math Courses Mathematics Ms. Christen VanNewkirk


What happens when students take an assessment and show growth in certain objectives, but need more practice with one or two specific goals? Meeting the needs of all learners takes careful planning, progress monitoring, and adjusting for further enrichment or additional review. Preparing multi-… read more

Classroom Set of Rechargeable TI-84 Plus CE EZSpot School Calculator Set (10 pack) - Qty: 5 $1,330 Mathematics Ms. Christen VanNewkirk

Classroom sets of graphing calculators in every math teacher's classroom will provide all students the opportunity to learn how to effectively use tools to see connections in math. Currently, students share graphing calculators when fellow cla… read more

Tall Tables for Flexible Seating Mathematics Ms. Christen VanNewkirk

Have you ever had the feeling that you need to get up and move? Do you ever stand up and work? Students struggle with this as well! Offering a couple flexible seating options for students will allow students to adapt their classroom environment to meet their needs. Tall tables in the Algebra classrooms will help to create a classroom that is wel… read more

Virge Cornelius’ Mathematical Circuit Training: PreCalculus/Trigonometry Bundle Mathematics Mr. Jon Pohl


In my Calculus classes, several of my assignments are in the “circuit” format. (Explanation of the format here.) In a circuit assignment, answers… read more

MX - 55 Series SmartBoard or MX - 65 Series SmartBoard Mathematics Mrs. Gina Hipple


Smart Board technology in my geometry classroom will enrich my curriculum by taking a typical lesson and turning it into a fun, more visual, and interactive experience. By projecting more animate… read more

Algebra Tiles Classroom Set $110 Mathematics Mrs. Leanne Melling

Algebra can be modeled in a variety of ways. One method of modeling solving equations is by using Algebra tiles. A student is able to visualize the math problem through manipulatives. The variables, zero pairs, and balancing the equation are clearly seen. St… read more

Outdoor Learning Space Mathematics Ms. Christen VanNewkirk

Do your students ever come home feeling exhausted? Like they’ve given all that they have and there are still 4 days left in the week? Let's re-energize our students in a way that gets them excited to learn with a fresh new look to the classroom with… read more

Chalice Veils $340 Campus Ministry Fr. Joseph Campbell

We'd like some chalice veils that match our vestments. Please consider donating these to add to the beauty of our school Masses.

Miscellaneous Art Supplies $0 Fine & Applied Arts Mr. Ron Krauss


Needed materials to further all of the art students projects and better their understanding of various mediums in all their creations including: half gallons of paint (1) scratch art tools (1) paper (1) erasers (2) d… read more

30 TI-30 X IIS Calculators $600 Mathematics Sr. James Karol Grieshop OP

A classroom set of TI-30 calculators would provide a great resource for when kids fail to bring their personal calculator or their batteries die. Additionally, having a classroom set would make it easier to give no graphing calculator portions of an exam while still being able to provide students with a calculator that has the capacity to perfor… read more

Student Planners for 2022-2023 School Year - Qty: 550 $5,000 Student Services Mrs. Dawn Anderson

The purpose of having a standardized student planner is to teach students discipline for accountability and to provide students with multiple resources for student success. The planner would be customized to LCHS and include such resources as bell schedules, school calendar, grade tracking forms, spiri… read more

Utility Carts - Qty: 2 Campus Ministry Ms. Stacia DeVries


Our campus ministry team is always moving or hauling something! Retreat supplies, Holiday Family items, mission trip tools, Mobile food pantry snacks - Lots of trips of moving supplies and equipment.… read more

Set of Shopping Baskets Campus Ministry Ms. Stacia DeVries


Our mobile food pantries have moved permanently to a "Drive-Thru" version. We still like to provide some hospitality to the guests as they wait in their cars.… read more

Field Trip to Grand Rapids $3,000 Social Studies Mrs. Amy Poljan

Cross-curricular field trip activities with social studies and science exposure. To increase diverse class collaborative opportunities. This would include 3 busses to Grand Rapids at $700 each and admission $7/person. 


Portable Altar and Ambo for Masses $900 Campus Ministry Fr. Joseph Campbell

I would like wood materials to build a new portable altar and ambo for Masses in the gym. The current set is extremely heavy and makes set up and take down unyieldly.

Sanctuary Lamp Stand $1,007 Campus Ministry Fr. Joseph Campbell

Our chapel can use a new sanctuary lamp stand. Please consider donating this to help beautify our school chapel.


Tray for Masses Campus Ministry Fr. Joseph Campbell


We could use a nice tray for bringing liturgical items to the altar. Please consider donating this to help beautify our school Masses.

Scientific Calculators - Qty: 25 $313 Science Mrs. Heather Hopek

Chemistry is such a great course for students to use the math/algebra they have been learning to science in a big way! Having a classroom set allows the teacher to teach key functions on the calculator (logs, scientific notation, etc.) the same way to the students as they would all have the same type of calculator.

Painting Supplies: Canvases and Paint $120 Houses Mrs. Katelyn Bergeron

My Rodzinka likes arts and crafts and asked to give ideas of what to do, many asked to do some paintings. I thought being able to give them each a… read more