Senior Information
Senior Signing Day for Student-Athletes
To celebrate our senior student-athletes who will be continuing their athletic careers in college, Lansing Catholic High School has established guidelines for a one-time, all-athlete signing day. While our date may not align with the official NCAA signing periods this year, we remain committed to recognizing and honoring our seniors as they take this exciting next step. Once we have received all student-athlete commitments, we will select a date for this special celebration. Student-athletes planning to continue their athletic careers in college should let the Athletic Department know as soon as the National Letter of Intent (NLI) has been made available or the student has been admitted to the academic institution, use this link to send the necessary information - NCAA Signing Day Form
Important Dates for Seniors
Sat., April 26 - Prom
- Prom will be held at Eagle Eye Golf & Banquet Center on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 7:00-10:30pm.
- Tickets will be sold online through GoFan starting the week of March 24. Tickets will also be sold during lunch on April 8, 9, 15, 16 and 17. Tickets can be purchased in school with cash or a check made out to Lansing Catholic High School.
- Tickets will be $100 each and will include a full dinner buffet, dessert table, dancing, access to the POV photo app, professional photography and video to capture all of the amazing memories from the night!
- Guest forms are due by Thursday, April 17. Please contact our Student Life Director Mrs. Lynn Collom with any questions about Prom.
Fri., May 2 Service Hours are DUE
- Service hours for the graduation requirement (90 hours) must be completed, logged, and verified by Friday May 2, 2025. (For students pursuing the Service Distinction Award (200+ hours), all service hours must be completed, logged, and verified by Monday, April 28, 2025.) As a reminder, Cougar Commotion and WorkaThon each count for 5 hours of service.Students who complete 200 hours of service are eligible to receive the Governor's Service Award. Students must create a profile at and enter their hours. All service hours must be logged by April 15, 2025 to receive the medal at Baccalaureate. For any questions about service hours, students should stop by the library to see Ms. Webster.
Sat., May 3 - Moscars
- The Moscars event celebrates our Senior Mock Elections and is student organized. The event is for students only.
- Dress code is black tie with the red carpet starting at 6:30pm and the main event starting at 7pm in the Auditorium.
- Please contact our Student Life Director Mrs. Lynn Collom with any questions about this event.
May 1-16 - AP Tests
- AP Tests for AP classes will take place May 1-16, depending on the class, and some testing may take place off site. For questions about AP testing, please contact Mr. Stolpa.
Fri., May 9 - Student Breakfast Tailgate
- We are continuing the long-standing tradition of the senior students organizing a breakfast tailgate prior to the start of the school day. This takes place in the student parking lot on the seniors’ official last day of classes.
- Senior students also wear shirts to represent the college they plan to attend in the fall with uniform bottoms on this last day of classes.
Mon. & Tue., May 12 & 13 - Senior Exams
- 1st, 2nd, & 4th hour exams - Monday, May 12
- 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th hour exams - Tuesday, May 13
- Students do not need to be present in the building except for their exam, but may use the Library as a study area if arriving early.
- Exam Waivers will be distributed the week prior. Details on exam waivers can be found here.
Wed., May 14 - Graduation Practice & Senior Checkout 9am-11am
- This event is mandatory for all Seniors as we prepare for the celebratory ceremonies and finalize logistics and distribute caps, gowns, and other regalia.
- (Students who have not yet completed their graduation requirements by this time may be allowed to participate in end of year events once seniors and their parents have signed a memorandum of understanding outlining what is expected with set deadlines.
- Senior Checkout Form
Wed., May 14 - Senior Class Photo at 6:40pm and Baccalaureate Mass & Awards at 7pm
- Baccalaureate Mass & Awards is on Wed., May 14 at St. Mary Cathedral at 7pm.
- Seniors will wear their black graduation gown zipped with no cap or other regalia.
- Seniors need to arrive by 6:40pm at the latest to organize for a class photo on the Cathedral steps. Seniors will immediately line up and process into Mass following the class photo.
- Mass will begin at 7pm and awards will begin after the closing hymn.
- Following the awards, there will be a reception at the parish hall.
- Seating is first come first serve at the Cathedral.
- Baccalaureate Mass & Awards typically lasts a little over 2 hours.
- Senior Award List & Descriptions
Sun., May 18 at 2pm - Graduation
- Graduation will take place in Lansing Catholic’s Gym at 2pm on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
- Seating is first come first serve in the Gym. There are no tickets required to attend.
- Senior portraits will take place in Room 106 from 1:00pm to 1:40pm
- Seniors must arrive to LCHS by 1:30pm and report to the senior hallway for a graduate portrait, final instructions, and to line up.
- (LCHS grounds and building will be open at 12:30pm for photo ops on May 18.)
- Graduation typically lasts 1 hour.
Senior Open House Schedule
Want to plan an Open House but don’t want to choose the same date as one of your friends? Check out this Class of 2025 Open House Dates, organized by senior families, that will allow you to add your date and know when your friends are hosting their parties too!
Family Directory
- If you are in need of contact information for graduation party invites, our LCHS Family Directory is accessible inside of your FACTS Family Portal Account.
College Planning - Mrs. Dawn Anderson
College Financial Aid
- The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is required for many scholarships, grants, and other financial aid opportunities. Filling out the FAFSA as soon as possible could mean more money for college, especially for scholarships that are awarded on a first come first served basis, so keep an eye on scholarship deadlines. Below are links to scholarship lists, but be sure to review your college's financial aid website for more opportunities as well! If you or your student have any questions please contact Mrs. Anderson.
- Capital Area College Access Network
- GoingMerry
- Michigan Scholarships
- Lansing Community College Scholarships (January 31st deadline!)
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opened on Sunday, December 1, 2024. Please find attached directions for completion of the FSA ID, which is required for students and parents to submit prior to completion of the FAFSA. You can also learn more by visiting and MI Student Aid.
Why complete the FAFSA:
- The FAFSA is a key step in determining eligibility for federal student aid, including grants, loans, and work-study programs.
- Completing the FAFSA is necessary to qualify for:
-Michigan Community College Guarantee
-Michigan Achievement Scholarship
- The FAFSA process can help families gain a clearer understanding of their financial situation and what options are available to them.
Xello and NCAA/NAIA Accounts
- College application materials including letters of recommendations and transcripts must be officially sent through Xello and/or Common App. It is important that Senior students update their Xello accounts throughout the school year.
- November 1st is the deadline for "early action" and "early decision." Early action means that you apply early and get your admissions decision (and financial aid offers) early. Early decision is binding, and if you get accepted it usually means that you agree to withdraw your applications to all other schools.
- It is recommended that you finish your college applications by November 1st and then apply for scholarships and financial aid in November.
- Some colleges will request mid-year grades before making admissions decisions. This is a common part of the application process. Mid-year transcripts will be sent to colleges at the end of January to those who require it. If you receive any additional requests for mid-year transcripts please email Mrs. Anderson.
- For any pending applications, students should login to the college's student portal to track their application status.
- Students talk with Mrs. Anderson if they need help with or have Xello, Common App, or college application questions.
- College Planning Links:
- College Visit and Career Explorations Visit Form - use when a student is going on a college visit
- College Recruitment Request Form - use when a student would like to visit with a recruiter during the school day
- FAFSA ID Guide
- Michigan College Application Fee Waivers
- Scholarships -
- Scholarships - - upcoming deadlines
- Common Application Guide 23-24
- College Scholarship List - organized by due date
- College Scholarship List - organized by due date
- Certificate Programs in Michigan
- FAFSA Made Easy
- Senior Checklist for College Bound Students
- Writing your College Essays
- Primary College Admissions Factors
- Activities List Form
- Michigan's Public University Admissions Guide
- Michigan's Private Colleges Map & Contact Info
- Michigan College Access Network Institution Updates
- Michigan's College Guide
- FAFSA Cheat Sheet
- College Application Timeline
- College Scholarships
- Michigan College Scholarships for GPA & SAT scores
- Michigan College Scholarships
- Virtual College Visits
- LCC Admissions Info Sheet & Apply to LCC
Email Accounts for College Admissions and Other Post High School Endeavors
- We encourage seniors to create a personal email account that presents a professional image of themselves to use when applying for colleges, employment, and other post-high school endeavors. School accounts will be eliminated shortly after graduation and we do not want the Class of 2025 missing out on key information from colleges or employers. If they you have already applied using your school email account, please notify the institution that you need to change your contact information to your personal email address and that all future communication be sent there.
NCAA/NAIA Accounts
- If your student is planning to play college athletics, please follow up with our Athletic Director Mr. Goodrich, and Mrs. Anderson about your NCAA and/or NAIA clearinghouse accounts.
Senior Athletes Playing In College - Fill Out The Form
Student-athletes planning to continue their athletic careers in college should let the Athletic Department know as soon as the NLI has been made available or the student has been admitted to the academic institution.
Past Events and Information
Senior Sunrise Event - Mon., Aug 19 at 7:30am
- Seniors start off the new school year with a special seniors-only gathering at 7:30am in Cougar Stadium with donuts and treats, a group photo, and a prayer and blessing from Fr. Joe.
Senior Photos
- Traditional school photos will taken on Thursday, August 22 and will be used for the yearbook.
- Traditional cap & gown photos taken before graduation will be used for the class composite that hangs in the school hallway.
- Personal senior photos may be used in celebrating seniors in social media posts
- Senior Yearbook Ad Information - information coming soon!
- Questions about yearbook ads should be directed to our Yearbook Advisor Mr. Thelen.
Due by Oct. 1 - Diploma Names & Graduation Gowns Form
- All parents and students should complete this form as an extra checkpoint for accuracy of spelling for your official high school diploma and custom sizing for your graduation gown.
- The cost of the graduation cap and gown is already covered with your tuition and fees and there is no additional cost on your part for this. The diploma order as well as the cap & gown order will be placed by Mrs. Karen Gavin for the entire senior class in November.
- Deadline to complete the diploma name & gown size form: October 1, 2024.
Graduation Products
- Jostens is excited to help you celebrate your senior year! You can watch this short video for more information about ordering graduation announcements, senior apparel and more provided by our Jostens representative Amy Hollandsworth or click here to view products or to place an order. The deadline to order from Jostens is October 1, 2024 to ensure a timely delivery in the spring and for the best prices.
College Aid Webinar-Thursday October 17th, 2024
College Aid Pro will be hosting a free webinar titled “Mastering FAFSA/CSS: Detailed Guidance & 7 Mistakes to Watch For.” This session will offer practical advice on:
The seven key mistakes to avoid when completing FAFSA and CSS/PROFILE
How and who can access and submit these forms
Which schools require these forms and their deadlines
Whether you're new to the process or need a refresher, this webinar will provide essential tips to help you maximize your financial aid. To register, click HERE.
College Aid Pro Webinar TBD
Register for a "How Financial Aid and Scholarships Work" virtual webinar. Even if you cannot attend live, you will receive and email the next day with the recording from the presentation (but you still need to register).
We have invested in an "all in one" financial aid and scholarship platform for all Lansing Catholic families. We strongly recommend you activate your account here before the presentation. Use code LANSING100 on the 'Premium' plan (listed at $149) for full access.
During the webinar, financial aid experts will discuss:
1. Will you be eligible for financial aid?
2. Where is your student likely to receive scholarships?
3. How do we get discounts even if we don't qualify for financial aid?
4. FAFSA dos and donts (and 2025-26 changes!)
What divorced/separated families should know
Senior Yearbook Ads for purchase - deadline - January 9, 2025
Personal ads can be purchased by going to and searching for Lansing Catholic. You can design your own ad or select to have the font, colors and layout designed by the yearbook staff. Pricing is $50 for 1/8 of a page, $85 for a 1/4 page, and $125 for a 1/2 page.
All senior yearbook ads must be submitted by January 9, 2025.
The pictures must also meet the following guidelines: skirts and dresses must be worn at the same length as our uniform skirt, students may wear hats, accessory and footwear guidelines are the same as our uniform dress code. The following items are NOT permitted: clothing that is torn or cut, shorts or swimsuits, tank tops, sleeveless tops, midriff/crop tops that show skin, shirts that reveal shoulders or cleavage, form-fitting pants (e.g. leggings, skinny jeans, yoga pants, etc.), pajamas, costumes, clothing that features offensive words, designs, or images. If a photo doesn't meet the guidelines we will reach out to you and depending on the deadline you may be asked to submit an alternative.
Any questions should be directed to our Yearbook Advisor Mr. Thelen:
Wednesday, February 5th-7th-Junior/Senior Damascus Retreat (Required)
- This will be a required overnight retreat, led by Damascus missionaries, at their campus in Centerberg, Ohio. You can find all the retreat details here.