Administration and Office Staff

Dean of Spiritual Formation & Chaplain
Dean of Intellectual Formation
Dean of Social Formation
Director of Mission Advancement
Director of Internal Operations
Director of Strategic Relations & Service Events
Admissions Coordinator & Student Life Director
Office Receptionist
Human Resources Coordinator
Facilities Manager
Advancement Associate
Campus Ministry Assistant
Campus Ministry Small Groups Coordinator
Assistant Athletic Director
Business Office Assistant
Communications Coordinator


College & Career Counselor
Guidance Counselor
Latin Teacher
English Teacher
Spanish Teacher
Math Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Social Studies Teacher
Dean of Houses & Social Studies Teacher
Learning Support Teacher
Science Teacher
English Teacher
Industrial Arts Teacher
Theology Teacher
Fine Arts Teacher & Strength and Conditioning Coach
Student Support Plans & Mastery Skills Teacher
French Teacher
Science Teacher
Mathematics Teacher
Fine & Applied Arts Teacher
Science Teacher
Economics Teacher
English Teacher
Humanities Teacher
Fine Arts Teacher
Theology Teacher
PE Teacher
English Teacher
Librarian & Service Hours Manager


Food Service Coordinator
Maintenance Coordinator
Fall Play Director
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services
Food Services