Invest in Your Child's Future
To fulfill our mission of forming our students spiritually, intellectually, and socially, we are dedicated to bringing Catholic education to families regardless of financial ability. The investment in an education at Lansing Catholic High School is one that never loses value.
We know that the total cost of a Lansing Catholic education is significant, and are committed to ensuring that every family who desires a Catholic education for their children can afford the investment. For the 2024-2025 school year LCHS awarded over $900,000 in tuition assistance to offset the actual cost of education.
LCHS offers need-based tuition assistance through the third-party FACTS Grant Application. This year, 90% of our families who applied for grants received aid. The average award this year was $5,600. All admissions decisions are made separately from tuition assistance determinations. We strongly encourage every family that feels they need tuition assistance to apply.
“I know everyone’s situation is different, but if you just go and talk to the school, in our experience, they are usually really willing to work with you. Just don’t say right off the top ‘we can’t afford it,’ without at least finding out, talking with the school, going in and asking some questions.” - Theresa M

Tuition 2025-26 School Year
Full Tuition | $13,300 |
Tuition Range | $4,800 - $11,500 (for families who apply for tuition assistance) |
2025-26 Costs and Fees per student:
- Application fee: $50 before February 1, $100 on and after February 1 (new students only)
($125 application fee for International students who require an I-20 Visa) - Enrollment fee: $150 before March 1, $200 March 1-31, or $250 after April 1
- Activities fee: $475 (covers cost of retreat fees, regular season athletic home games, dance admissions, play and concert admissions, and a parking pass)
- Technology fee: $50 (covers school-issued Chromebook and insurance, and other LCHS technology used)
- Books: $200 per year (estimate & may be purchased from any source)
- Uniforms: $200 per year (estimate & are to be purchased from My APlus Uniforms)
- Note: International students have a different tuition rate and no extra discounts apply.
Tuition Plans
Tuition may be paid in one of four ways:
- Payment in full
- Semester payments
- Quarterly payments
- Monthly payments over 11 months (a one-time $50 payment fee applies)
You will select a payment plan during the online enrollment process. The Activities fee of $475 and Technology fee of $50 will be added to your online tuition plan for each student attending. Your next school year's tuition plans are uploaded into your online tuition accounts by May 31 and will include any parish subsidies, tuition discounts, Raise Right credits, and assistance and grants. Your first tuition payment is due either July 15 or July 30 depending on which tuition due date you selected during the online enrollment process. You may begin to pay on your next school year's tuition plan starting June 1.
Tuition Discounts and Grants
Catholic Parish Subsidy
If you indicated in your online enrollment packet that you would be receiving a tuition subsidy from your Catholic parish, your tuition plan will be based on that information. In order to receive that subsidy for the school year, you must contact your parish office for approval. The average parish student discount is $650. Please be aware of your parish’s procedures for handling subsidy requests.
All parish subsidy approvals are due to LCHS's tuition office by June 1 each school year.
Multiple Student Discount
A discount is available for families with multiple students in attendance at LCHS at the same time.
- 2nd Student attending receives $1000 discount
- 3rd Student attending receives FREE Tuition
- Raise Right Program
Families may also participate in our Raise Right Program in which families can earn dollars toward tuition by purchasing gift cards earning a % back to be applied to tuition. The average Raise Right savings is between $200 and $500 per year.
- Tuition Assistance from LCHS & the Diocese of Lansing
In the 2023-24 school year, Lansing Catholic distributed more than $865,000 to over 75% of our school families with an average grant of $4,800. All tuition assistance is applied for through our third-party FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment in order to ensure all dollars are distributed on the basis of financial need.
Families must apply through FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment by March 1st each year to be eligible for tuition assistance grants from both the Diocese of Lansing and Lansing Catholic High School. Select "Create an Account" as this is a different FACTS account from applications and the Family Portal.
Families who have not yet made the decision to attend LCHS are encouraged to complete the Grant & Aid Application through FACTS so as not to miss the opportunity to receive the maximum tuition assistance.
529 Plans
As of 2018, families can use their 529 savings plans to pay for private K-12 education without penalty. Contact your 529 plan advisor for details.
Frequently Asked Questions About LCHS Tuition Assistance
- How is tuition determined?
Providing a high-quality education, and employing qualified and dynamic teachers, does have a significant cost. Lansing Catholic has done a remarkable job keeping the cost to educate our children as low as possible while compensating our incredible teachers fairly.
Each year we determine what the total cost of school operations will be for the following year which is then divided by the number of students attending. This is reviewed by our Finance Committee and then our Board of Trustees for final approval. For 2024-25 it will cost LCHS $12,900 to educate each child in our building, which through proactive measures we were able to only have a $550 increase from the 23-24 year while still providing our teachers a modest raise.
In comparison federal, state, and local governments provide $794.7 billion or $16,080 per pupil to fund K-12 public education*.
What if I don’t want to share my financial information?
We understand that no one likes to share personal information, which is why we use a third-party service to provide confidential analysis of all tuition assistance calculations. Only the tuition officer, and in the cases of request for reconsideration the president, at Lansing Catholic ever view any financial information provided.
- What if my tuition assistance application is submitted after March 1, am I eligible for any tuition grants?
Applications received after that date are not eligible for any Diocese of Lansing grants, but are still eligible for some LCHS tuition assistance.
- Do I have to complete separate tuition assistance applications for my children if they attend different Catholic schools?
No, you submit one FACTS Grants & Aid application per family. You list each student and the school they attend on one application. The Diocese of Lansing and each school will receive your information and tuition assistance determination.
- What if I do not have access to a computer and cannot complete the form online?
You can contact LCHS tuition advisor, Mrs. Renee Fischman, to set up an appointment for you to use a computer at LCHS: 517-267-2107 or
- I can complete the form online, but I cannot upload or scan the required documents, what do I do?
You can contact LCHS tuition advisor, Mrs. Renee Fischman, and she will upload your documents for you at LCHS: 517-267-2107 or
- When will I know if I qualified for any tuition assistance?
You will receive separate notifications from the Diocese of Lansing and LCHS by May 31 notifying you of your determination and amount of tuition assistance.
- I did not qualify for any tuition assistance through FACTS, is there anything I can do to receive tuition assistance?
Yes, if it was determined that you did not show a financial need, and you still require tuition assistance, then you can contact the LCHS tuition office and ask about our reconsideration form.
- When is the first tuition payment due?
For all payment plans, the first payment is due either July 15th or July 30th depending on the due date you selected in your online enrollment with LCHS.
- Can I volunteer and receive credit for tuition?
We do not have a volunteer program set up for tuition credits. All of our volunteering efforts go to our clubs, extracurricular events, and sports teams. We leave the volunteering and fundraising to these groups so they can keep any fees associated with their programs to a minimum. However, you can participate in LCHS’s TRIP program and the money earned is posted to your tuition account.
- Who do I contact if I have other questions regarding tuition and assistance?
Please contact Mrs. Renee Fischman in the LCHS Tuition Office at 517-267-2107 or
- What is the international student tuition rate?
Visit our Tuition Assistance page for more information about the FACTS Grant & Aid Application.
For any other questions, please contact Renee Fischman in our Tuition Office at 517-267-2107 or