The Lansing Catholic High School community forms students spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
Docens Modum Vivendi • Teaching A Way of Life
Faith • Service • Excellence • Tradition
From the early years of the 20th century to the first decade of the 21st century, Catholic secondary education in Lansing has provided opportunities for thousands of young people to grow in knowledge and faith, to become the best they can be.
St. Mary Cathedral High School 1902-1963
Resurrection High School 1939-1963
Monsignor John A. Gabriels High School 1963-1970
Monsignor John W. O'Rafferty High School 1963-1970
Lansing Catholic High School 1970-Present
Lansing Catholic opened its doors in 1970 as a result of a merger between Monsignor Gabriels and O'Rafferty high schools. LCHS occupies the building formerly known as Monsignor John A. Gabriels High School. A new name, Lansing Catholic High School; a change in school colors, Cougar blue and silver; and the adoption of a mascot, the "Cougars," helped define that transition. As with any major change, there were some bumps and bruises along the way. Today, Lansing Catholic offers students a wide variety of programs, faith formation opportunities and teaching, extracurricular activities, sports, and experiences.
Lansing Catholic welcomes all students who desire a quality education steeped in the tradition and teaching of the Catholic Church.
Lansing Catholic High School ranks among the finest Catholic high schools in the State of Michigan.
Philosophy Statement
“A Catholic school is a place where students live a shared experience of faith in God and where they learn the riches of Catholic culture...Catholic schools must help students to deepen their relationship with God and to discover that all things human have their deepest meaning in the person and teaching of Jesus Christ.” St. John Paul the Great
The LCHS community forms students…
“Yet, LORD, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter: we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:7
The Lansing Catholic High School community, faithful to the Church and all that is contained in the Depositum Fidei*, seeks to live the joy of the Gospel by serving one another in the truth as revealed by Jesus Christ. Grounded in this truth, we affirm that every human person is created in the image and likeness of the community of love that is the Trinity. It is the sacred duty of every man and woman to enter into and make that Trinitarian love visible in accord with his or her own unique calling. Responding boldly to this invitation, LCHS forms young men and women spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, ready to live and proclaim the Gospel to the world and ultimately to become saints in heaven.
“I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6
Instructed and inspired in all things by the light of the Holy Spirit and committed to educating the whole person, we seek to provide our students with opportunities for an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ, teaching our students that they are sons and daughters of the Father, who calls each of them into a personal, abiding, transformative, and eternal relationship with the Triune God. At the heart of this relationship is the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith and of our school. Spiritual formation at LCHS is integral to all of our curricular and co-curricular programs, helping students grow deeper in prayer, perfect in virtue, and selfless in service.
“How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is preferable to silver.” Proverbs 16:16
The academic program at Lansing Catholic is based on the Diocese of Lansing standards. Our academics are rooted in the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, understood and communicated within the technological, scientific, and social developments of the present day. More than the accumulation of knowledge, our academic programs challenge students to pursue true wisdom. This pursuit enables them to develop and cultivate an authentic Christian vision of the world and their own lives as a unified whole, created by God and destined for eternal life. We aspire to form students whose hearts yearn to know the truth. Imitating Christ as the master teacher, we strive to address the unique and varying intellectual gifts of each student by providing the support, resources, and individual attention necessary to guide each student on their journey.
“They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.” Acts 2:42
In the image of the Trinity, LCHS provides social formation with diverse opportunities for students to mature into integrated, virtuous individuals who contribute to the wider community. Our school provides the culture necessary for students to discover, develop, and dedicate their God-given gifts and talents to the building up of the Body of Christ and the salvation of the world. Integral to this formation, the distinct dignity of men and women informs our approach, which takes concrete shape in the growth of friendships between students, faculty and staff, and the school community as a whole. Such friendship is a precursor to marriage and family life, the love of neighbor, and faithful citizenship, all of which are directed towards participation in the life of Heaven and the Communion of Saints.
Into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
Partnering with parents, parochial schools, and the wider Catholic community, Lansing Catholic High School accompanies and guides young men and women to carry out the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations” (Mt 28:19). This mission to evangelize was entrusted to them in Baptism and becomes clearer as they discern and joyfully accept their vocations. Filled with the Holy Spirit, LCHS students and alumni seek, with God’s grace, to evangelize the world and “bring the Gospel of Christ…into the third Christian Millennium, to build a new civilization – a civilization of love, of justice and of peace” (St. John Paul the Great)
Organizational Chart