On October 29, we are holding a Convocation to collaborate with over 250 people in setting Strategic Growth Initiatives for the next 3-5 years for Lansing Catholic High School. I want to invite you to take part in the evening as we have so much to learn from our parents, parishes, alumni, benefactors, and friends. We will be looking at challenges and solutions for the following areas:
- Enrollment & Affordability
- Governance & Accountability
- Communication
- Community/Outreach/Diversity
- 21st Century Skills & Curriculum for All Learners
- Instructional Excellence & Quality Teachers
- Alumni
- Mission & Catholic Identity
We will be in breakout sessions for the above areas brainstorming strategic solutions and then meet as a large group to vote up or down initiatives (both as a group and individually) that the school will tackle over the next few years. We will offer a light dinner at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria, and then move to the auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Consider being a part of this initiative as we build a strong foundation for the future of Catholic schooling in the greater Lansing area. We want to make it the best school possible and need the input from many to make sure we are poised to help our students be college ready, career ready, and mission ready.
Please RSVP by signing up on this on-line form: https://forms.gle/
If you have questions about this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact Doug Moore, Principal by email at doug.moore@lansingcatholic.org or by calling 517-267-2101.