Lansing Catholic’s Homecoming week this year featured Disney park-themed hallways, with the freshman recreating Hollywood Studios, the sophomores did their rendition of EPCOT, the juniors went wild with Animal Kingdom, and the seniors created a magical experience by recreating Magic Kingdom.
All grades featured many talented students’ hard work, but the winners of this competition were the seniors who created an amazing Magic Kingdom experience!!
Throughout the week there were many fun dress up days and events for the students to participate in.
Monday’s dress up day was PJ day, and a survey taken of the student body showed that this was the most anticipated and loved dress up day, with 65 percent of the responses favoring this day.
Tuesday was Disney character day and during Rodzinka students participated in different stations around the school campus. These activities included kickball, frisbee, sidewalk chalk, and other games.
Wednesday was the beloved Grandparents Mass, so students wore uniforms to keep it professional.
Thursday was class color day to show some grade level pride for the annual powder puff game later that day.
The game featured the freshman versus the seniors and the juniors versus the sophomores in the first round with the junior and the senior classes winning their first games to play each other for the win. In the end, the senior class came out on top.
Friday was a Cougar spirit dress up day to wrap up the week of fun and to support the football team before the big game.
There was also an exciting pep assembly featuring the band, football team, and cheer squad. Homecoming court for this school year featured two representatives from each grade, freshman through juniors, and ten representatives from the senior class, all competing for the Homecoming king and queen title.
The freshman class this year was represented by Audrey Watters and Rigoberto Pecina, the sophomores by Braden Rabideau and Grace Currie, and the juniors by Ty Trahey and Ava Wilcox.
The ten senior representatives are Zee Simpson and Dean Jacobs, Eva Eyde and Jack Jacobs, Emalee Noonan and Matthew Jones, Sydney Stevens and Daniel Shipman, and Hannah Bradford and Brian Magaswaran.
The Homecoming king and queen were announced at the football game, and this year’s winners are Brian Magaswaran and Eva Eyde.
The Homecoming game was a night filled with fun, starting with Cougarfest at 5pm. Many families and school supporters came out, including some past Lansing Catholic classes for their reunions and athletes and teams being inducted into the LCHS Athletic Hall of Fame.
The day also featured a cornhole tournament, a new and fun event created by this year’s Cougar Cage representatives.
The football game was against Eaton Rapids and the Cougars won with a score of 47 to 0. The busy week concluded with the annual Homecoming dance on Saturday, something many students look forward to.
About Lansing Catholic High School
Join the tradition of over 100 years of Catholic education at Lansing Catholic High School. With over 400 students, we are large enough to offer a great variety of classes, activities, and athletics, yet small enough where everyone knows each other. The Lansing Catholic High School community forms students spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. For information on enrollment and registration at Lansing Catholic, please visit our Admissions Center.