Lansing Catholic High School celebrated the feast day of St. John Paul II on October 22nd with Diocese of Lansing Bishop Earl Boyea.
“Having the Bishop celebrate Mass with us on our patronal feast day definitely made the day feel special. It was interesting to hear of his experience meeting Pope [John Paul II] in person many years ago,” said Father Joseph Campbell, LCHS school chaplain.
Being able to have an All-School Mass with not only the Lansing Diocese Bishop, but someone who had spent personal time with St. John Paul II, was something that illuminated the feast day for the whole school.
The Lansing Catholic Senior Class of 2022 also had the opportunity to ask Bishop Boyea questions they had gathered during their theology classes.
“It's important for seniors to be able to ask the bishop questions because there is a lot that even seniors don't understand. Seniors are often put aside, and assumed that we know everything about ourselves and our future,” senior Anna Sevenski said.
The seniors that were able to ask questions agreed that the time with the Bishop encouraged and gave clarity to the future that lies ahead of them after their journeys in high school are finished.
“My time with the seniors went well. They had good questions and were interested in what the bishop had to say,” Fr. Joseph said.
For the seniors, being able to get one-on-one time with the bishop helps them be prepared for their future outside of high school.
“If anything, seniors are the most confused and need guidance from someone with wisdom and knowledge of the world beyond high school,” Sevenski said. “Specifically, the bishop offers solutions and answers that come from God and his own knowledge.”
Their time with the bishop also offered LCHS seniors an opportunity to relax and experience the friendly, open, and Christ-like person that serves Lansing Catholic and the city of Lansing itself.
“It was very fun and interesting to hear the Bishop's answers to a bunch of teenagers' questions. He definitely played into many ridiculous questions like, ‘What do you think about rap music?’" Sevenski said. “We also got into deep and important questions asking about church teaching. He showed how strong he is in his faith.”
About Lansing Catholic High School
Join the tradition of over 100 years of Catholic education at Lansing Catholic High School. With almost 500 students, we are large enough to offer a great variety of classes, activities, and athletics, yet small enough where everyone knows each other. The Lansing Catholic High School community forms students spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. For information on enrollment and registration at Lansing Catholic, please visit our Admissions Center.