- Baccalaureate Mass & Awards is on Wed., May 14 at St. Mary Cathedral at 7pm.
- Seniors will wear their black graduation gown zipped with no cap or other regalia.
- Seniors need to arrive by 6:30pm at the latest to organize for a class photo on the Cathedral steps. Seniors will immediately line up and process into Mass following the class photo.
- Mass will begin at 7pm and awards will begin after the closing hymn.
- Following the awards, there will be a reception at the parish hall.
- Seating is first come first serve at the Cathedral.
- Baccalaureate Mass & Awards typically lasts a little over 2 hours.
- Senior Award List & Descriptions
St. Mary Cathedral
Graduation will take place in Lansing Catholic’s Gym at 2pm on Sunday, May 18, 2025.
Seating is first come first serve in the Gym. There are no tickets required to attend.
Seniors must arrive no later than 1:30pm and report to the senior hallway for a graduate portrait, final instructions, and to line up.
(LCHS grounds and building will be open at 12:30pm for photo ops on May 18.)
Graduation typically lasts 1 hour.
Lansing Catholic High School