Feel good about NOT attending! With due respect for the current global health emergency and government mandates, this year's Fr. Mac Dinner and fundraising event will not be held in the traditional manner. We are asking you to stay home and stay safe knowing that your support of tuition assistance will make a difference for families in need. We do kindly request donations. Donate Online Today
Your 100% tax-deductible gift benefits the Fr. Mac Tuition Assistance Fund distributing tuition grants to students in need attending Lansing Catholic High School. Your participation is a gift of hope to students and their families who wish to experience daily the blessings of Catholic education and spiritual formation, which prepares a child for a future of professional success and service of others in a faith-filled life.
SAVE THE DATE 2021 | Monday, May 3, 2021, at MSU Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. The 2021 Fr. Mac Dinner will feature Keynote Speaker, Jason Hanson, legendary Detroit Lions kicker. Our 2021 Community Service Award recipient, Mary Lou Heberlein will also be honored.
Donate Online Today!
If you have any questions, please contact our Event Coordinator.